MONTANA: Bullock, MBA Announce Suicide Awareness, Prevention Campaign

June 09, 2017

News Type:  Weekly Spark, Weekly Spark News
Speaker:  Montana

NBC Montana

Montana has launched a media campaign to spread awareness about suicide prevention. Developed by state health officials in collaboration with the Montana Broadcasters Association, the campaign is airing in radio and television spots across the state. Public service announcements focus on firearms safety, recognizing the signs of suicide, and addressing suicide risk among veterans and youth. They also include contact information for the Crisis Text Line and National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. In a press release, National Alliance on Mental Illness Montana Executive Director Matt Kuntz emphasized the importance of educating the public about how to identify and assist people who are struggling. “It’s so important that we not only become familiar with the signs of suicide, but also that we take action and help those who [need it],” he said.

Spark Extra! Watch the television public service announcements.