Families Are Forever


(For resources, this is the publication date. For programs, this is the date posted.)



Family Acceptance Project

The video is available for 1) private home use; 2) educational use; and 3) institutional use. Contact faprequest@gmail.com to order copies.


See This Resource

Families Are Forever is an educational video and guide that educates families on how to support their LGBT children and decrease their suicide risk. The video shows the journey of a religiously devout family from struggling to respond to accepting and supporting their young gay son. The video, discussion guide, and family education booklet are based on extensive research and family intervention work conducted by the Family Acceptance Project. This educational video and guide is part of a planned video series to give LGBT youth and families hope, increase communication, and teach families how to identify and change rejecting behaviors and increase supportive behaviors to help prevent suicide and other negative outcomes and to promote their LGBT child’s well-being. The 20-minute video in English and Spanish is closed-captioned, and the discussion guide includes talking points, information to stimulate family discussion, related statistics, and additional helping resources.

Program Objectives

Users of the video and discussion guide should have greater understanding and knowledge of:

  1. How families can support their LGBT children.
  2. How family support contributes to well-being and safety for LGBT children.
  3. How family rejection contributes to risk of negative outcomes, including risk for suicide, for LGBT children.
  4. The challenges that diverse LGBT youth and families experience in trying to integrate multiple identities to increase empathy and connectedness (with family, peers, members of their congregation and community).
  5. Resources for families with LGBT children and suicide crisis-support services.

Implementation Essentials

  • Those who distribute the educational video should be aware of local helping resources.

2012 NSSP Objectives Addressed: 

Objective 2.1: Develop, implement, and evaluate communication efforts designed to reach defined segments of the population.

Objective 3.1: Promote effective programs and practices that increase protection from suicide risk.

Objective 5.3: Intervene to reduce suicidal thoughts and behaviors in populations with suicide risk.